Logo Glasfirma

Glasfirma is a premier Toy manufacturer known worldwide, specializing in Toy marbles and Play balls. With over 90 years of history and 40 years of experience in the international market, we have positioned our product distribution in more than 45 countries around the world. Our quality, creativity and toy safety standards have helped establish a consumer trust and recognition in our brands: Vacor marbles and Payaso Play balls. We offer more than 80 different models for glass marbles; the largest selection worldwide.

Vacor marbles

Vacor originated in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1930. It began by producing clay marbles but by around 1934 was manufacturing glass marbles with two machines. Today it is the world’s leading manufacturer of marbles and exports its products to over 40 countries.

Play Balls Payaso

Payaso Play Balls was born more than 70 years ago from the idea and dream of a man who sought to bring fun and smiles within the reach of all children in Mexico, with a simple and fun product that did not distinguish between race, religion or socioeconomic level. This is how Payaso Play Balls was born.

Vacor marbles

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Ut fringilla tincidunt ante, a vestibulum enim lacinia ac. Curabitur quis nulla nisl. Duis cursus mi eu urna mollis congue. Aliquam vel ex quis dui efficitur ullamcorper. 

Commercial partners
over 45 countries
around the world

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