Animal kingdom

Our ANIMAL KINGDOM collection is inspired by the nature and the animals themselves, its varied shapes and vivid colors have served as an example to develop this colorful collection.

Bengal Tiger

The mighty Bengal tiger, one of the most colorful animals in nature. In terms of length and weight it is the largest feline. The Bengal tiger is highly revered, is the national animal of India and Bangladesh.


It is the largest land animal in the world, they are huge and very strong. They are known to be highly intelligent and sensitive. The elephant marble recreates the colors and strength of this great animal.


The hippo is a huge herbivore that is also an amphibian, it is something very special. Another of its well known characteristics are its large fangs.


Are zebras black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Well, the answer is: They are black with white stripes. Just like our “zebra” marble, black with white stripes.

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