
Pirates, are criminals who attack ships at sea. The most famous pirates sailed the seas from the late 1500s to the early 1800s. A common symbol of pirates was the Jolly Roger—a black flag with a white skull and crossbones. Many of the ideas that people have about pirates have come from books and movies. These tell of lives of adventure and buried treasure. The stories are a mix of fact and fiction. In vacor we love stories and pirates come to life in our marbles!

Red Beard

He was a Turkish corsair born in the 16th century, admiral of the Ottoman fleet. He always dedicated himself to fighting against the Spanish.


Captain James Hook is a fictional character and the antagonist of Peter Pan. The character is a villainous pirate captain of the Jolly Roger galleon, and lord of the pirate village/harbour in Neverland. Hook wears an iron hook in place of his hand, which was cut off by Peter Pan and eaten by a crocodile.

Anne Bonny

Anne was an Irish pirate who sailed in the Caribbean during the first years of the 18th century, she is one of the best known female pirates.


Henry Morgan was his name, he was born in 1635 and became a pirate in the service of his country, England. He sailed the Caribbean seas, over the years he even became Governor of the island of Jamaica.

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