
Fairy, also spelled faerie or faery, a mythical being of folklore and romance usually having magic powers and dwelling on earth in close relationship with humans. These fairies allude and take power from the vacor marbles, giving life to the fairies Aura, Cira, Clara and Vila , inhabiting these fairies in our world within our beautiful marbles for the world. Who is your favorite fairy?


The sweet and tender aura likes to hide among the flowers and plants of the forest where she lives, waiting for someone to pass by to play a prank on her.


Always restless and mischievous, this fairy is tireless, she has energy to spare for all her games and pranks.


The magical and beautiful Clara. He always uses his skills to help others. She is the best friend a fairy can have


The smallest of the fairies, she has a curious and adventurous character that makes her always be in a new place, exploring and learning.

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